Pavelock Academy Of Security Guard Training School

Package list or courses

Day Class Schedule 9:00/AM - 5:00/PM
Night Class Schedule // Time 6:00/PM - 10:00/PM
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Package One (1) : SECURITY GUARD & RESUME - $275.00
3 Day course: Unarmed - Discount Price of : ..........$ 200.00
8 hour Pre-Assignment Course, & 16 hour On-The-Job Course, Taining Manual, NYS License & Fingerprinting Application, Portfolio, Job Readiness, Job Referrals, Resume.
Package Two (2) :  SECURITY GUARD - $235.00
3 Day Course: Unarmed - Discount Price of $160.00
8 hour Pre-Assignment Course, & 16 hour On-The-Job Course, Training Manual, NYS License & Fingerprinting Application, Portfolio, Job Readiness, Job referrals.
Take Notice:
Upon successfully completing the Pavelock Academy of Security training packages you will receive your certificate(s). Attendance in class is mandatory to receive the certificate(s). In the event that you miss class you must make up the time at the convenience of the Pavelock Academy of Security.
Please understand that the fee for services is non-refundable in the event that you cancel or miss class. Your fee covers your registation, training and/or job placement assistance. Understand that all checks are subject to a $50.00 returned check fee while every effort will be made to assist in job placement, the final responsibilty is the applicants. Pavelock Academy of Security does not promise employment or guarantee employment at the conclusion of the courses.

Course Fees may be made by the Following
Make check or Money order payable to
Pavelock Academy of Security.
Please Take Notice: All Course Payments
must be paid one week before class
schedule date to guarantee your seat on
that date.
Please Take Notice: NO WALK-IN's ON
Thank You..
Please Take Notice: If you miss the schedule class date,
Re-Schedule Class Fee is: $25.00 per student.

Ala Carte ( Menu):
Training Manual : Required for all three Unarmed Security Guard certification courses:
8-Hour Annual  Manual : -------------------- $ 10.00
8-Hour Pre-Assignment Manual: -------- $ 15.00
16-Hour On-The-Job Manual:------------- $ 20.00
8 - Hour Pre-Assignment: 1 Day Course: --------------$    60.00
8 - Hour Annual Re-Certification 1 day Course: ---- $    60.00
16- Hour On-The-Job 2 day Course:--------------------- $  100.00
 Requirement(s) 8 hr pre-assignment course.
Resume Services: ---------------------------------------------- $ 40.00
Includes: creation, 10 copies and master copy of resume (emailed to client if applicable).
Job Referrals Services:--------------------------------------- $ 40.00
Other courses will be coming in the future, please keep checking the web site for updates on new course or packages. Thank You.
Notary public available (If needed ask) 
Future Courses:
U.S. HomeLand Security Cerification
First Aid / CPR / AED
Defense Driving
Fire Guard Certification